What is #boktober?

In October, we draw fan art of Boktai, Lunar Knights, and Solar Boy Django with a different theme for each day. We draw with any tool, not just ink, and you can draw original characters too!

Why #boktober?

Because it's fun! The first event in 2022 started as a joke, which is why all of the original prompts focused only on Boks or Ghouls. The daily prompt reminders featured video recordings and trivia about the Boktai games, manga, and interactive fanfiction Kura5. What started as a joke quickly turned into an event to engage the community and attract more players to the Boktai universe.

In 2023 our new goal is to increase participation by connecting with more of the Japanese side of the community. Additionally, the prompts have now expanded to include more than just Boks or Ghouls.

Who is the Boktai community?

There are a few different places to meet other Boktai fans, but the most popular options are Twitter and Discord.

What are the rules?

There are no rules! Go at your own pace. Use your favorite tools. Draw your favorite characters. Whether you follow all of the prompts or just one prompt, we're happy to see your art and hope you have fun!

However, if you want us to see your work, please use the hashtag #boktober with the current year, such as #boktober2022 or #boktober2023 so that we can find it easily on Twitter.

Is this like Inktober? Do I have to use ink?

This is not a challenge like Inktober, so you are free to use any tool you want to use. You do not need to limit yourself unless you want an extra challenge.

I can't draw. Can I still participate?

Sure! Participate however you can. Do you enjoy making music? Do you like to write stories? Do you play any of the games? Share it with the community!

I have an idea for a prompt! Do you accept suggestions?

In November, after the event has ended, we start considering prompts for next year's event. Selection ends in September.

Please note that we give priority to suggestions from artists who participate in the event.

When writing Boktober prompts, try to take inspiration from both the Boktai games (including Lunar Knights / Boktai DS) and the manga (Solar Boy Django). We want to appeal to as many fans as possible, and not everyone has experienced every part of the franchise. Some fans only know the manga, some fans only know Lunar Knights / Boktai DS, and some fans only know the first Boktai game.

Can I use the art I find here?

Every artist has their own preferences. We cannot speak for everyone, so if you see art that you want to use, contact the artist politely and directly. However, be aware that many artists do not want their work to be used for profit nor posted elsewhere without permission. Please respect their wishes.

I don't want my art to be archived. How can I remove it?

Contact @kodedile to have your embedded tweets removed from this website.